Zalgo Image Creator

This software transforms a bitmap image into a character based image consisting of special characters from the unicode set. It allows you to make your own Zalgo-Art-Image quickly and easily.

Due to widespread support for unicode characters you can now post Zalgo-Images anywhere you want. Using the Zalgo Image Creator you can convert any black and white bitmap image to a text image, which you can post anywhere you would usually write text. For example you can post the Zalgo-Image as a comment on some website, spice up details in your user profile or send text images by instant messaging services.

The character image is composed of basic characters and special Zalgos. Zalgos are characters from the unicode character space, and are used by foreign languages to build compound letters. The special property of a Zalgo character is that it has no horizontal spacing. There are different classes of Zalgos, some are placed above, beneath or stay at the center of the normal character. Using a special image processing technique the program can approximate any image using only these unicode characters.

Supports most common image formats, e.g. BMP, JPG, PNG or TIF.


Zalgo Image Creator v2.0 Windows (New)
ZalgoImageCreator20Win32.zip (7.6MB)
md5 2fca404fdd5ba210e6ff6b8fa66f7615

Zalgo Image Creator v1.0 Windows
ZalgoImageCreator10Win32.zip (7.2MB)
md5 833016fa43067383c26491d156c4b8e6

Zalgo Image Creator v1.0 Linux
ZalgoImageCreator10Linux.tar.gz (11.3MB)
md5 06929ed1d6f3954f1429298d559bbe8a

Search lineart images for conversion

For small and more precise results please stick to version 1.0
Get regular Zalgo-Text at http://eeemo.net


Zalgo Image Creator v1.0 Win32
After copy&paste:


LostDoor 2/22/2010